Comets and Asteroids

Comet PanSTARRS. Taken with a CHDK enhanced Canon Powershot SX40HS on a tripod 15x3sec at ISO400.
Comet C/2012 K5 Linear taken on January 4, 2013. 20x32sec exposure at ISO1600. Taken with a Canon Powershot A590 and a Skywatcher ST-80 and CG-4 mount.
Comet Garradd taken on March 2, 2012. 20x25sec exposure at ISO1600. Taken with a Canon Powershot A590 and a 4.5" Orion Starblast.
Comet Garradd animation from frames taken on January 22 and 23.
Comet Garradd 2012-01-23. Taken with a Canon Powershot SX120IS with CHDK on an EQ-1. Exposure 5x25sec exposure at ISO1600.
Comet Garradd 2012-01-22. Taken with a Canon Powershot SX120IS with CHDK on an EQ-1. Exposure 17x25sec exposure at ISO1600.
Comet Lulin while in Leo. Taken on Feb 22, 2009 in UP observatory/PAGASA.
Comet Lulin while in Leo on Feb 23, 2009. This time, it is already within the same binocular field as Saturn.
Comet Lulin while in Leo taken on Feb 23, 2009. Notice the more prominent anti-tail going to the upper left.
Comet Lulin animation The total span of this entire animation is just 5 minutes. Lulin is a real fast one.

Asteroid Ceres animation taken on July 8 to 9, 2010.

Asteroid Vesta animation taken on Feb 12-15, 2010.

Asteroid Vesta taken on Feb 13, 2010 animation.

Asteroid Vesta taken on Feb 12, 2010 and simulation from Starry Night 5 of the same field a year ago (without Vesta).

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2008-2010 by Vincent Lao